For investors who want to invest in properties with a price below the market and with good renovation potential for quick sale.
Want to step up a gear and get involved with quick gains?
Happy to deal with refurbishment ( We will do it for you anyway!)?
In this scenario your property company will buy a below market value and will either:
Refurb the property to achieve market price. Convert the property into a multi unit, normally multiple apartments.
Adding a up to 6 meters extension and loft space maximizes your gains.
You can choose to sell units or part of them. You are free to mix your strategy with some rent income .
Either way we will help you sell your units to our investors in this very club who prefere Buy to Let strategies. So you may turn that profit very quickly.
The answer is simple: because SJPR. CLUB advisors have as their main objective to deliver the best solution for each client. This means that we maintain a close relationship to customize the portfolio according to each client’s profile. The goal is always to optimize your investments.

The world you desire is a reflection of your attitudes
Invest and find out how to make it possible.